Friday, June 06, 2008


Well this just tops them all.. My first period class just threw me the most amazing surprise party EVER! One of the first things I thought of was that I wished I had a camera to capture all of the streamers, the balloons, the kids' faces, the cupcakes and candy and bagels, and more.

They made a toast to "The best sub EVER!" Ha ha, it was truly wonderful. I felt quite loved.

For those who don't know, my birthday was on Tuesday, and I was planning on having a party on Wednesday with the students, but then they convinced me to do it next week because a student wasn't going to be here, and so that was the plan, or so I thought. Yesterday they were passing around a sign-up sheet for students to bring food, and I still thought that was for next week, not today. One of the counselors sent me to the office at the beginning of class and I thought I was in trouble for something, or that they were talking to the kids about the teachers' awards assembly next Friday. What they were really doing was throwing streamers over everything, pulling in food from next door, and hiding in their spots.

It has always, always been my wish to have a surprise party thrown for me. And they did it perfectly--I had nary an idea. :)

I've had so many stories lately! I just haven't the time to write them down. I'm trying to think of some of the ridiculous things I've witnessed lately. Well, here are some responses to a warm up question I created recently:

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" (Don't forget, these kids will be about 22 or 23 in 10 years)

"I see myself getting a good job with a nice home on Malibu on the beach"
"In 10 years I see myself living in Cambria and selling my art. I will also travel the world when I get out of college."
"I'll be working in construction with my dad to pay for my studies and my own apartment."
"I will be in Japan."
"Maybe prison or a good job."
"In 10 years I will be a part time photographer. I might be in college studying robotics and math. I hope to get into MIT or some other good technology college."

And my favorite... "w/one child living w/my baby's dad in SB or Oxnard or Goleta in a nice house w/a good job."