I have been subbing lots and I intended on writing more! The last time I subbed was at Dos Pueblos, my favorite school to sub at ever because the students are just amazing. Case in point:
When I subbed for a math teacher on Wednesday, I got to talk with this hilarious girl I've subbed for before. I actually was a teacher's aid for her 5th grade class, and her playground supervisor, but that's another story. I told her I did photography full time now, and we got excited talking photo stuff and before you know it, I LANDED MYSELF A NEW INTERN. How awesome is that?? If all things go well, I intend on bringing her to weddings with me, teaching her how to edit, grooming her to the point where she has the resources to run her own business or just work with me all the time. Geez I love my life.
Photos I've been working on (all taken in the last couple of weeks):