Emmanuel is leaving tomorrow morning. He is the last of the "School Year Crew." All my remaining students are familiar with Santa Barbara from the summer only. The School Year Crew are the ones who were with me since September/October for more than three months.
It's strange watching students come through my house. They all come in at time zero, with no knowledge of the history, the stories, the laughter, and the students that came before them. But I see it all. I visualize it like God might view history. Different students move in and out. Buy a new table. House gets burglarized. Different students move in and out. It rains, it shines. Different students move in and out. New director at school. New plants in the yard. And so on...
I've had great memories with my School Year Crew-- camping, giving each other nicknames, going to concerts, and so much more. I even named my two beta fish after Enthony (the Swiss) and Paul (the Korean). I've developed a heartfelt bond with nearly all of my long-term students.
But not quite so with Emmanuel. There are a number of things that he has done that have rubbed me the wrong way, but they are all a little fuzzy and it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that I take issue with.
One reason I might not feel bonded with Emmanuel is because right now, as I type, one of the staff from the school is here and Emmanuel is giving stuff to him just five feet away from me. Emmanuel hasn't once offered to leave anything for the house. I sense that he can be a loyal friend but certainly not to me. He has an extra bike, shoes, skim board, sunglasses, spray cleaner, tools, etc. Why doesn't he leave all that stuff for future students? I just don't get it. I am almost inclined to take it personally, as though he is intentionally favoring others over me. That's what it looks like, and that's how it feels.
And, he drinks a lot of water.
Ah, here is something! This further confirms some of those gut feelings I have been having: Emmanuel is actually not giving any of that stuff away. He is selling it to the guy. Why not just do the nice thing and give a friend a bike, hmm? They are driving to a bank right now to take $20 out of the ATM to pay Emmanuel.
Phil...you be nice now.
That's too bad, he seemed nice. He was the one who ruined your car??
I know this kid called Emmanuel Guien, since the first day he came to EF he took to me like a duck takes to water, later through the months our friendship developed into a father-son relationship. I find it really hard to believe that this young man could be unkind, the Emmanuel I know has a beautiful character,personality and friendliness about him and I am absolutely convinced that the hand of the Lord is upon him.
At Santa Barbara,
EF Maintenance man
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