Saturday, October 13, 2007


I'm not sure what I want to say here. I have substituted quite a few times since I last wrote. Had a frustrating class (5th grade), a great class (4th grade), and a frustrating class (4th/5th grade). I do want to say this:

I dread subbing for elementary school kids. They suck.

Now, I know that sounds rather harsh. I suppose that in a different environment elementary school kids wouldn't suck at all. But when I am supposed to be following lesson plans according to the teacher's discretion and the students talk over me, don't listen, talk back, I begin to lose heart. And when a kid is crying because he was making stupid faces during a rhythm exercise with the music teacher and got himself in trouble, I decide in my heart that elementary school kids suck.

The problem with substituting for elementary schools is that I am not simply managing a classroom of students who are pretty much independent as well as self-taught like in high school. No, I am managing and disciplining a classroom of students who are pretty much dependent and totally unable to do anything fruitful if left alone for more than 5 minutes. I think a lot of us forget this very important point:

We learn life skills in elementary school.

Like how to share, how to be patient, how to listen and not speak, how to blah-blah-blah. It basically reminds me of a lady who called in on Dr. Laura Schlessinger's radio show and said that she would never have children because they are incredibly selfish, and they are selfish for eighteen years of your life until they leave you for college.

:) I understand where that caller is coming from. And Dr. Laura chewed her out, in all her harsh and unforgiving glory.

1 comment:

dbgiven said...

that's why i teach at a private school where they are brainwashed! so much easier.