Monday, November 29, 2010

Today I am substituting for a Spanish class at Dos Pueblos High School. I've watched the first half of Take The Lead five times now. It's a pretty great start to a movie! But now I have to rent it to find out the rest...

Subbing high school is simply the best (sorry junior highers, but it's true)! I've finished a book, had kids smile and cheer at me as they come in, edited through some wedding photos, replied to emails, played a couple of games of Dominion online, followed up on a couple of blogs, and had time to write this little post here.

Enjoy something I've worked on today!

1 comment:

vroomhilda said...

Wow - math AND Spanish? I think I'd actually love substitute teaching. Would you believe I have a math (college algebra) test tomorrow morning? Exponential functions, logarithms and finding the vertex of quadratic functions (blech)... *sigh*