Ok! More questions for Mr. V:
"What is your favorite animal? Have you ever been over 200 pounds?"
"Do you like the Beatles? Do you know who John Lennon is? AND DO you like him?"
"Do you prefer cheese?"
"Do you like swimming in chocolate? Are you voting for Obama? Do you live with your momma?"
[Note the similarities between this last one and this next one:]
"Do you like melted chocolate? Do you like watching chick flicks? Is Obama yo' dawg? (Hint: yeah foo!) Do you live with your mom?"
"how many fatal infections do/have you had/have? have you ever tryed to commit suicidied? Have you been to area 52? Are you a CIA/FBI undercover agent? What is your faviorit toe? How many Wallis and Gromit movies have you watched? Have you been arested for any crime, federal or otherwise? Do you have frequent spazems? Do you think loafers are disgusting? Do/did you ever jump off a train?"

As you can see, this last girl is pretty weird. Well, not really. Just quirky and probably has some issues going on at home. But I like her. She calls me by my first name. And she insists that I call her Wallace (as in Wallace and Gromit). When I answered the question about suicide (no), to my surprise, about four or five people in class volunteered the information that they in fact have tried to commit suicide. How about that?
I would now like to end with a little shared statement. Remember, I asked the students to ask me questions on one side of their paper, and on the other side of the paper write down at least two things that have changed their life. Here are three stories that made me smile:
"When I was born I was kicked out of the nursery for screaming too much and I woke up all the other babies. Now I don't scream that much any more."
"My first candy I ever had was a Reese's Peanut Butter cup. Soon after that I started to throw up and everyone thought I was allergic to chocolate but when we went to the doctor we found out that it was peanut butter and now I can never eat peanut butter again."
"I saw Star Wars and I became obsessed.
I saw a clown in a parade and I became scared."
Side A
1/ Is the "(Hint: yeah foo!)" your personal comment or what the student actually wrote?
2/ How's that heart of yours?
Side B
1/ I grew up in and lived above a downtown Chinese restaurant in a rural Midwest community.
2/ That one year I broke up with my practically-engaged-to boyfriend, pierced my nose, found the importance of music in my life, and studied abroad in Europe, where I traveled and met amazing people.
Yeah foo!
That rally was great, eh? Although I'm pretty sure Hillary is taking Ohio and Texas as I write this....oohhh...
Oh Phil, I just really love these stories of yours.
hah yay you blogged about me! this is your favorite student(the one who asked you if you like obama (hint: yeah foo!) and you can tell plumlily that it was part of the question by the way, but who is gypsymelodies?
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