Friday, March 21, 2008


For one of my periods I get to create a Warm Up question each day. The previous teacher did this and it usually pertains to what we are studying, such as: Why did the Crusaders want to have Jerusalem all for themselves?

But I can ask whatever I want, mainly because I am curious about these little 12 year olds. The other day I asked the question "What would you die for?" This related to the Crusaders dying for their causes. Here are a few of the more interesting responses I got back:

"Science/new discoveries"
"Elephants because I'm in love with them and I would also die for my little brother (Wesley), and also my mom."
"I would die for the same thing Will Smith did in 'I AM LEGAND [sic]' (movie)"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Phil! See, this is the kind of genius that comes with teaching a social subject like history; you can turn around and start a topic that is only vaguely to do with the subject at hand and make it interesting for the students.

"What would you die for?" Excellent, Phil, excellent. Did you give your answer? Was it to do with hackysacks or Rubick's Cubes?