Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dang, I forgot to put up some last pictures from Guadalajara! So please take a moment and go backwards one city to la gran ciudad de Guadalajara. On my last day in Guadalajara, Sunday, the city shuts down a big main avenue for MILES and MILES and people bike and rollerblade and run through the streets. It's beautiful and I took a few shots to capture the event. There are literally thousands of people out and about biking. Also, the parks are full with people jumping rope, doing Capoeira, playing giant chess.

Let me just say that, since my study abroad trip in Spain about three years ago, I have really taken notice of the personality of cities, how they cater to tourists and to their own, and what they have to offer. My city of Santa Barbara is fantastic about this. We've got free concerts in the park two days a week in the summer, fireworks for the Fourth of July, parades, tons of benches and water fountains and parks. Guadalajara was pretty good about this, as you can see. The bigger the city, I think, the greater the resources. There is nothing worse than coming to a city with nowhere to sit but the curb.

And lastly, my gracious couchsurfing host, Ernesto, who is a very talented Jazz guitarist and whom I got to see perform at a ritzy restaurant in the rich section of town.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Phil! I actually went to Guadalajara for 1 day! Can you believe it?! hahahaha, it was a fun time though. I did spend a few days in was such a beautiful city! I can't wait for the rest of your photos... (: