Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My students just threw the raddest party ever.

Today is the last day of school before a week-and-a-half of spring vacation. I had students sign up for things like chips/salsa, candy, sodas, baked goods, etc. I also jokingly asked for students to bring The Fun. Everybody raised their hands for that one.

This morning, one student actually brought The Fun. Gio brought party hats, balloons, and those little party blowers. It felt like a huge birthday bash! Then some students found a pointer from another classroom and we did the limbo to Jack Johnson. We also played a great youth group game (Follow the Leader), mingled, gorged ourselves on completely unhealthy food (one student said he had a "kid hangover"), and generally had a fantastic last class.

I also discovered that one or two girls in the class definitely have a crush on me, which was made apparent to me by their constant giggling looks in my direction and saying my name throughout the entire hour. As they walked out the door at the end of class I heard a couple of singsong voices call out, "Goodbye Mr. V! Love you."


Jenny O said...

what jr high girl wouldn't have a crush on you, Mr V?

Jenny O said...
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PlumLily said...

five things.

i got your cd on friday. LOVED the packaging!

love the first three songs and future of forestry is amazing!

you didn't think you were my only friend in santa barbara, did you!? i should totally come visit.

i am going to see bon iver in a couple of weeks. now i'm not so jealous of you!

what GIRL wouldn't have a crush on you?

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! i was one of those girls... well no, not physically, because i'm in madrid, and not at SBJHS.
BUT i was one of those girls...
USED TO BE, i mean,.. bc im obviously not anymore...

Oh,, wait... next week i have class with Oscar. I LOVE HIM!!! and i really do shout out after leaving his class TE QUIERO!!! OSCAR!!!!

ohh sheeeet, i just realized. I STILL AM,.. one of those girls...

sidenote. my high school crushes were always the student teachers. OF COURSE>> THEY ARE YOUNGER. Remember Mr. Jones? he subbed for Mr. Obello. i think that was his name. AND>>> can't forget my math student teacher crush.. that EVERYONE KNEW ABOUT... Mr.Lakey. hahah damn... soo cute and innocent.. you know what??? you are a total Mr. Lakey. ; P

Joe Bunting said...

That's awesome phil. I would for sure have a crush on you if I were into men and in the 7th grade.

Anonymous said...

no surprise that jr. high girls would have a crush on you. :)
