Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hi folks! So I was a little bit bored and a lotta bit inspired yesterday to make some promotional material for my blog. It's really exciting to know people are reading this stuff (note to other bloggers: get a page counter), so I want to keep the rush going and promote the blog even more. These pictures will be going up on myspace.com and facebook.com

In household news, the Vietnamese asked me how to make hot water today. So I put water in a pan and put it on the stove. Then I turned on the fire. :) They asked me how long the water should be heated, and I told them "until it gets hot." They laughed at this. I'm not sure how it works in Vietnam, but I think they are just unsure of how much freedom they have within the household. Case in point: On Sunday one of the Vietnamese came home after spending the weekend with relatives in Los Angeles. Three other students were out and about. The student asked "Where are other students, when they are not with relatives?"

I was surprised at the question! I didn't know how to respond at first. They are outside. They are with friends. They are at the movies, at the coffee shops, at the shopping shops. They are at the beach and in the mountains. On bikes, on surfboards, in cars (rented, of course). "Where are the other students..." as though the only alternative to traveling with family is to stay inside the house! I hope that in the next two weeks they are here, the Vietnamese will recognize the freedom they have and explore a little. For their sake, not mine. I want my students to leave Santa Barbara excited about life!

Then again, they are only 11 and 12 years old.


Anonymous said...

hahaha... geez phil,.. cut them some slack,... -mari

Anonymous said...

hey ít´s me again,... mari,.. i love those photos,.. my favorties.. the car and the mission,... awesome,.. just awesome!