Wednesday, June 20, 2007


"You will hit me with the broom."

What in the world? I am sitting here in the kitchen, relaxing at the end of a long day. I like to check my emails, Facebook, news, etc, and just unwind in front of the computer. The Swiss-German came in a bit drunk and started teasing the Russian. Daniel teases Mikhail sober, too, mind you. I ignore them and let them have their fun. I begin to hear rumbling sounds coming from various rooms of the house. Something falls in the bathroom. The bunk beds shake in the bedroom.

The Russian is so skinny and he is wearing boxer briefs and a t-shirt. He has daddy-long legs and braces and looks something like a character from a Tim Burton animation. After five minutes of rough-housing I hear Mikhail outside of the bathroom talking to Daniel who is inside the bathroom. Daniel says "I will stop. I am tired."

And Mikhail says in his thick Russian accent, word-for-word:

"You will hit me with the broom."

What kind of circus am I running around here?! Earlier, to pay for laundry, Emmanuel gave me two dollars in pennies and nickels that he had lying around.

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