Sunday, June 24, 2007


Tonight two friends from church came over and brought along their mother's homemade chimichangas. We made Spanish rice, heated up some baked beans from my father's birthday yesterday, made a little salad, and enjoyed some excellent Mexican food. I love when friends come over for dinner! People always hear about my students but not everyone really gets to see them in living color, face-to-face, in their natural environment (my home). It's like going on a safari! Which nationality can you spot next??

Unfortunately, three of the five students ended up eating out, so it was just the Russian, the Japanese, the girls, and I. My, they were good chimichangas, though!

Yesterday was the Solstice parade, and boy was that colorful! Santa Barbara sure knows how to party fun. I encouraged all of my students to attend and I think most of them were down on State St. amidst the throngs of revelers. This is just a taste of what they got to see:

After the parade the city continued the festivities at Alameda Park. There were funk bands, drum circles, good food, and lots of dancing.

I got sunburned.

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