I should have written last week but I wasn't terribly motivated to do so. I have time now, since it is a lazy morning and I am only subbing periods 4, 5, and 6 today. This is the best kind of morning...the sun drifts into my bedroom sidelone through my sliding glass door. I can tell from the very first moment that it will be a gorgeous, sunny day. I awake easily on bright days.
Last week I substituted for a Special Ed teacher. All of her students had some sort of learning disability, and the range was great. There were pretty high functioning students and there were pretty low functioning students.
The incident of the day occurred when R kept getting riled up by a couple of the other students in the classroom. A small little girl would discreetly tell him to get to work. Amazingly, almost without thought, R would respond with contempt, "Callate, pendeja!" Which, for you non-Spanish speakers, translates to "Shut up, F____"
Um, that's not ok. In any classroom of any school. Especially for a couple of little 8th graders. So I came over to him and said, "R, please don't swear. I speak Spanish and that's not ok. Ok?"
Then he
slaps me on the arm with his book and says "Stop." At this point, the teacher's assistant, a lady who has been working with the students all year long, interjects from across the room with "R, GET BACK TO WORK."
Naturally, R replies to her, "Shut up."
And with that, he was gone. Sent to the office. Has detention for two days.