Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello lovelies. The party was awesome! Two days of pizza, movies (Night at the Museum), candy, cake, jelly beans, etc.

This week we are studying the Age of Exploration! It's not as glamorous as it sounds. Especially when you consider the consequences of Westward expansion, such as death, disease, slavery, and so on.

I only have three more weeks left until school is out, and I feel like I could spend months teaching the Exploration times, the Mayan and Incas and Aztecs, the Scientific Revolution...

Last, my birthday is in two weeks and I think I'm gonna do another party on that day (Tuesday, June 3rd).


PlumLily said...

i promise to send you a birthday cd... if i get mine...

Anonymous said...

i want to come to your bday party at your school :)
count me in!