Saturday, May 31, 2008


Hello! This week we are studying the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the American civilizations. You want to hear some crazy facts about the Mayans?

• They played a game called pok-a-tok in which they tried to hit a small rubber ball through a hoop and they could not use their hands or feet. The losers were sometimes sacrificed and the captain of the losing team was often beheaded.

• They would sacrifice people to the gods by dropping them down a 60 foot well. If the person survived, they would pull them out and then ask them what message they had heard from the gods.

• They believed having a flat head was beautiful, and tied boards to their babies foreheads to shape their skulls.

• The ruler wore a headdress that was as tall as a person!

That's all. Hope you enjoyed your lesson! My students thought pok-a-tok sounded amazing. I also told them that many people would bet on the games, betting away their slaves, cattle, and/or homes.


pearl said...

Very interesting, especially the forehead one.

Wanted to hug you goodbye after church, but you disappeared. Enjoy your summer, and I'll see you in September. Much peace and love.

pearl said...

yes, let's please keep in touch! i am a good letter writer, so maybe i will post you this summer?

and ha, no, no crush on him! he is in his 60s! but certainly a beloved prof:)