Saturday, June 30, 2007


Please read THE MISSING STUDENT first.

I called 911 this morning. The helpful operator there recommended that I contact the county jail and the hospital. Michel was not at either one of those places, which could be a good thing, but I'm not sure. I sent a message out to Emmanuel, one of the three students camping, but he hasn't responded yet so I can't know if Michel decided to go with them or not.

I will ride my bike up and down State Street now, hoping that blind luck (and answered prayers) will guide me to Michel.


Anonymous said...

this is crazy. nice to know what's going on, i didn't realize your days were filled with such funnyness.
i like this blog thing. very interesting. i have it bookmarked, so i read it often. :)
keep it up brother of mine.

Anonymous said...

JODER.... que fuerte,.. para llegar al punto de tener que llamar al 911. yo me moreria de los nervios... menos mal,.. que estaba con los otros. me alegro que haya llegado a casa.
cuidate y nos vemos pronto.