Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Today was an awesome day! Do you know why? Today was an awesome day because my fourth period class was pretty mellow. Do you know why? Today my fourth period class was pretty mellow because SEVEN FREAKIN' STUDENTS WERE ABSENT!

Is that what it comes down to? In order for me to have a functioning class I need to have seven students gone from class? I'll tell you where half of them were.

Two of the missing students were W and A. W sold 20 dollars worth of weed to A. The weed in question was actually yard clippings from the school campus. How ridiculous is that? I actually intercepted a note that W wrote to D explaining the details of the drug deal.

Stupid. Kids.

I also kicked out two other students, K and E. K was insulting E and in response, E took K's paper that had all of his assignments and crumpled it up, just as I was turning to witness the dishonorable act. Boom. Gone to the office. To the principal, in fact. I already had warned E just about three times already during that class period. If I tell you that I will send you to the principal if you act up again, because I am tired of telling you to stay in your seat and stop throwing things at people and please get back in your seat and can you stop talking while I am talking, and where are you going? I don't have a pencil sharpener, please sit down. Sit down in your actual seat. No not that one, no you can't sit next to her I already told you, no. No. No. What? No.

If I tell you I will send you to the principal,
wouldn't you just relax and stop? Wouldn't you?


Joe Bunting said...

I would Phil. I promise. Just don't send me to the principle!

Unknown said...

I am not sure relaxed is how I'd feel, but I would stop. I also grew up following directions and respecting my elders.

Unfortunately, this generation is being taught it's ok to be selfish, rude, violent, disrespectful, etc. Just watch 2 minutes of Grand Theft Auto. There ya go.